Getting started:
Access Logs

Page Design:
Image Maps

& Interactivity:

CGI Scripts
Restricting Access

Virtual Domains
Economy Space
Tips and Tricks
Place an Order
Dedicated Servers

Tips and Tricks

Transferring Files to the Server

The easiest way to transfer files to our server is with FTP or File Transfer Protocol. This is covered in detail on another page

Access Logs

A comprehensive usage statistic file (in HTML format) is placed into your directory, where you can easily read it using your Web browser. It shows who has been viewing which files how many times.

If you have a domain, then your complete log file can be found in the logs directory and is structured in the following format:

  • Name or I.P. number of remote host
  • User authentification, or none if not required
  • Date and time
  • User request
  • HTTP status code returned to user
    • 200 - Transmission successful
    • 302 - Redirected requests
    • 400 - Bad requests
    • 401 - Unauthorised requests
    • 403 - Forbidden requests
    • 404 - Not found
    • 500 - Server errors
  • Number of bytes sent


Telnet is a protocol which allows you to use our server as if it were your own computer. You can give Unix commands, write files, send mail and even run programs. It's as cryptic to use as DOS, but more versatile. Do you need it? Probably not. The easiest and fastest way to build your site is by writing your pages on your own computer, viewing them with Netscape, and transfering them to our server with FTP.

CGI Scripts

  • HTMLScript very easy to learn - like HTML but with more tags - our order form is written in HTMLScript
  • PHP2 like HTMLScript, but more powerful (and complicated)
  • mSQL a database language that goes very well with PHP
  • Perl 5 The acknowledged standard for CGI programming